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Sagot :
My name is Jessica, I am an African-American. I am 27 years old and I live in the state of MississippiI work as a housekeeper at a white doctor named Mr.WrightThere are only black women working at home. Yet this doctoris very racist. He is unsympathetic and we denigrate because weare women and more black. In the waiting room, the blacksand whites are separated because whites are afraid that blackstransmit diseases ... On the right, there are many chairsfor whites but very few chairs for blacks. When Mr.Wrightreceives white people, he smiles and he is kind tothem. But when he receives black people, his smiledisappears. He really does not like to receive them. One day, I slippedcleaning and hurting my knee. I asked him toheal me but he mocked and said, "An insignificant injurycan not hurt a Negro "I was very disappointed but it was notserious. A little later, I heard that this doctor was not healingnot black people but gave them drugs containingpoison to make them sicker or even kill them.As soon as I learned this information, I immediately resigned from his home.Now I'm looking for another job. Ah! what is beautiful lifeof an American black woman in the South of the United States!
Jte conseil les site de traduction ( pas google traduction ) mais je pense que votre prof vous a parler de quelques site non ?
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