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Bonjour j'ai besoin d'aide en anglais svp

Mon professeur d’éducation physique m'a chargé d’expliquer à la radio les règles d’un sport. Tu as le choix des sports que tu présentes. Décide d’un sport pour l’édition de cette semaine et présente-le à l’oral en 10 phrases en anglais. N’oublie pas d’utiliser les modaux ‘can’ et ‘must’.

1- The sport I’m going to introduce today is ...
2- ...
3- ...
4- ...
5- ...
6- ...
7- ...
8- ...
9- ...
10- ...


Sagot :


1- The sport I’m going to introduce today is football.
2- Football can be played on a field of grass.
3- Two teams of 11 players to compete against a ball.
4- Players are not allowed touch the ball with hands or arms.
5- Matches musn't be played by less than 7 players per team.
6- The winning team is the one who sends the ball as many times as possible to the goal of the opposing team.
7- A match is played in two halves of 45 minutes, separated by a 15-minute break.
8- If at the end of these two halves the teams are tied, then they play overtime: they are two new half-time of 15 minutes.
9- If there is still a tie, it's the penalty shoot-out that will decide between them: 5 players from each team take turns to take the penalty spot.
10- A team is allowed to have 3 replacements.

Bonne chance.
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