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Bonjour à tous, je prépare mon bac oral d'anglais et je voulais savoir si sur cette notion, mon texte est correct.

Merci de votre aide ! (texte ci-dessous)

Places and Forms of power

So, I'm going to talk about the notion called « Places and Forms of Power ».
First of all, I would like to give a defintion of the word « power ».
Power is the ability to control others, events, or resources; to succeed in doing what you want to do in spite of obstacles, resistance, or opposition. Power can be held but can also be quickly taken away, lost, or stolen. There is usually conflict between those with power and those without. Power is also associated with authority and influence and certain places can be associated with the authority – for example the White House and the President of the USA.
Today I'm going to talk about power AND counter-power . What a counter-power is ? Naturally, a counter-power is a power that opposes or balances the established authority (or power).
We can ask ourselves how does power and counter-powers are exerted in nowadays society ?
This year, we studied some documents about powers and counter-powers. I would like to start with one text called « welcome to the 21st century ».Power is exercised primarily with of money.
In class, we study a document about money : "Welcome to the 21st Century", which is a extarct of "an outrageous man." This text presents two characters: a business lawyer and a translator. A New york lawyer wants to buy a large part of the Czech economy, so he needs a translator to complete the transaction. It pays five times its normal price. In this excerpt the translator discovers the importance of money through the pretension, arrogance of the lawyer. This translator is horrified by this businessman. HE represents power, the power of money and the power of big firms. This power makes them powerful.
I would like to concatenate with an other document, a picture. A big boat is about to be stopped by 2 smaller inflatable boats. These men are Greenpeace activists, theyre holding a giant net on wich the word « STOP » is written in block letters. Those men want to stop the boat from taking part in oil exploration operations off the Alaskan coast... Greenpeace is a non-governemental and non-profit organization wich uses direct and indirect actions to raison people's awareness about the situation of the planet: advertising campaign, education, conferences.
Here we have a perfect illustration of powers and counter-powers working on different levels. It seems the boat of big business can only win against the small inflatables of Greenpeace... The dinghies can't stop the boat but maybe the photo can. In my opinion, such actions from counter-powers are useful. Even though many people say that nothing can be done, by protesting against them, green activists try to raise environmental awareness.
I would like to finish with one last document, « we are the 99% », LIRE.
The cartoonist's message is clear, the demonstrator is being arrested simply for occupying the street and disturbing the peace... Meanwhile, the thieves go unpunished... They can go on stealing money without being disturbed or arrested. The robbers of course, represent the world of finance, bankers and traders, who can make huge profits by speculating and sometimes even by doing illegal activities. But finally, that's more than a slogan, that's a fact : when so much money and so much power is concentrated in the hands of so few, it's important to say that something is out of balance.

In conclusion, we can see that powers are very present in our society today. But thanks to counter-powers, we can see stability. They can make people aware. However, to my mind, if nobody dares to resist to those in power, if there is no counter-power to fight against greed, things will get worse. That's why Greenpeace and other non-profit organization, whistle-blowers and other are very important in nowadays society !

Thank you for listening to me, I'm done.

Sagot :

je vie en australie je parle anglais et ton texte est tres bien expliquer et sans trop de faute