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Sagot :
Hello, he is Jeremy. So, this personality quiz. What is he like ? Well, He's... He's honest. He's caring. And he is very easy-going. Sometimes he can be a little bit touchy. And he's easily scared. What animal is he ? Well, erm... let's see... Oh, he's a dog. His friends can count on him. And he has a lots of friends and loads of fun. He couldn't live without... let's see... Oh, he couldn't live without his music and CDs. He just, He just loves them. And then he enjoys... erm... Well, he enjoys helping around the house, just sort of gardening and cooking and decorating... and that kind of thing... Ad on Saturdays he likes doing... well, he loves listening to music and surfing the net, just sort of chilling out, you know? A bit of "him time".
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