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Bonjour, je viens de finir la présentation d'un texte, peux-tu me dire si c'est juste et si il faut rajouter des choses stp ?
The title of the story is "The coyote and the strange thing" written by Daniel Riesco.
The story is about a coyote, he walked in the desert to find food. One time he find a carcass of a rabit. But at this moment, a very srange thing appears. This thing looking like a sphere, it a little green.
this thing examines birds, sakes and a lot of other things, the coyote folows.
this thing stayed in the valley during few days.
The author is Daniel Riesco, he living in the north of Spain. I did not know this author before having read his story.
this authore makes a trilogy, "The coyote an the strange thing" is the first part of this trilogy.
The literary genre of this story is the fiction.
I don't like this story because it was not really interesting for me. There are not things whitch passed.
Voilà merci de ton aide, (il faut que mon exposé dure entre 3 et 5 minutes au fait )...
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