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je n y arrive pas
merci pour votre aide

Je N Y Arrive Pasmerci Pour Votre Aide Anglais class=

Sagot :

Hello !

a. A person who has a lot of power is powerful. (puissant)

b. Someone who is intelligent is smart/clever.  (intelligent)

c. A person who doeshn't share things is selfish.égoïste)

d. A person who makes people laugh is funny. (drôle)

e. Someone who doesn't talk a lot is quiet. (calme)

f. A person who has a big plans for the future is ambitious/determined. (ambitieux/determiné)

g. A person with the ability to make people admire him/her is charismatic. (charismatique)

h. Somebody who doesn't work hard is lazy. (paresseux/flemmard)

En espérant t'avoir aidé(e) ! ^^



a- A person who's lot a lot of power is==> powerful

2- A person who  is intelligent is===>    clever, smart

c- A person who doesn't share thngs is    ===>  selfish

d- A person who makes people laugh  is ===> funny

e- A person who doesn't talk a lot is ==> quiet

f- A person who has big plans for the future is ==> ambitious/determined

g- A person  with the ablity to admire  to admire him/admire/her is => charimastic/ambitious

h- Somebody who doens't work hard is ==> lazy

bonne journée :)

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