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Bonjour, j'ai un devoirs d'anglaisà faire et je n'arrive pas à traduire mon texte en anglais que j'ai fais... est ce que vous pouvez m'aider svp ? merci d'avance

Quel pays aimerais-tu habiter plus tard ?

Je vis en France depuis mes 3ans avec mes parents adoptifs et mes deux soeurs.
Ils ont été me chercher a Rio de Janeiro au Brésil, ma ville natale ou il y a toute ma famille.
J'aimerais y retourné et y vivre dans quelque années. Redécouvrir ma ville, mon pays, ces architctures,ces rues colorés, son immense carnaval...
Ici le temps est tempéré, il y a souvent de la pluie et je préfère le soleil, la chaleur du brésil, les plages...
Les gens là-bas sont optimistes, heureux, ils ont toujours la joie de vivre.

Sagot :

I have lived in France since I was three years old with my adoptive parents and my two sisters.

They came to get me in Rio de Janeiro in Brasil, my birth town and the home of all of my family.

I would like to go back there in a few years. Rediscover my home town, my country, it's architectures, it's colorful roads, it's huge carnival…

Here, the weather is not to hot, not to cold, it often rains and I prefer the sun, the heat of Brasil, it's beaches…

The people over there are optimistic, happy, they always have the joy of living.


Hi ! I live in France since i was 3 years old with my adoptive parents and my two sisters.

They were going in Rio de Janeiro in brazil for find him, this my hometown where they are every my family.

I would like to go back and live there for a few years. Rediscover my city, my country, these architectures, these colorful streets, his huge carnaval...

Here the weather is temperate, and they are often rain... I prefer the sun, the heat of Brazil, beaches...

Over there, people are optimist, happy, they have the joy of living !