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Sagot :
Quelques détails:
Authority and power are not the same. If you are talking about power, don't mention authority.
The passage from the abstract definition of power to the power of the media is not clear, please be more precise. Also, what is exactly the point you are trying to make? Today media's power manifests itself in addiction? Is addiction a new form of power? Why do they want us to be addicted? Does it only work with young people?
You mention counterpowers, but where can we find counterpowers when we talk about media? Is their power unlimited?
If you use acronyms (e.g., CO), please explain what they mean.
If you mention someone (e.g. Oda faremo) please explain who he is.
The part on The Truman Show is not very clear: I would suggest you rephrase it or remove it.
Media IS or media ARE? You have to be consistent.
Is this text for an oral exam only? If you also have to present a written version, please check carefully punctuation and capitalization.
Encore un peu de travail (labor limae, révision)...bonne chance!
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