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Aidez moi en anglais 2/ Expression écrite 1- « If …will/won’t
Aidez moi en anglais

2/ Expression écrite

1- « If …will/won’t » sentences / should – shouldn’t

Utilise les informations suivantes pour faire des prédictions logiques + indique un conseil libre de ton choix, avec SHOULD ou SHOULDN’T ( 5 pts) :

1) We / drive / large / cars ► never / reduce / pollution
If we.....................................................................................................................
2) People / use / regular light bulbs ► use / a lot of electricity
3) We / not buy / hybrid cars ► not save energy and gasoline
4) We / throw / litter everywhere ► not protect / the environment
5) People / not fight against global warming ► our planet / be / in danger

Sagot :

- « If …will/won’t » sentences / should – shouldn’t

Utilise les informations suivantes pour faire des prédictions logiques + indique un conseil libre de ton choix, avec SHOULD ou SHOULDN’T ( 5 pts) :

1) We / drive / large / cars ► never / reduce / pollution
If we drive large cars we will never reduce pollution. We shouldn't drive large cars in order to reduce pollution.

2) People / use / regular light bulbs ► use / a lot of electricity
 If people use regular light bulbs, they use a lot of electricity. People should use regular light bulbs in order to use less electricity.
3) We / not buy / hybrid cars ► not save energy and gasoline
.If we don't buy hybrid cars, we will not save energy and gasoline. We should buy hibrid cars in order to save energy and gasoline.
4) We / throw / litter everywhere ► not protect / the environment
 If we throw litter everywhere, we will not proted the environment. We shoudn't throw litter everywhere in order to protect the environment.
5) People / not fight against global warming ► our planet / be / in danger
If people don't fight against global warming, our planet will be in danger.  People should fight against global warming in order to avoid to put our planet in danger.