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Bonjour, je dois traduire ce texte en anglais . (Je demande au plus professionnelle d'entre vous ou au mieux calé en anglais (amateur ou débutant merci de s'abstenir) :

Bonjour je vais vous raconter toutes les étapes de ma vie qui font qu’aujourd’hui je suis une footballeuse professionnel.

Tout d'abord à mon plus jeune age j'étais une grande fan de David Beckham, je voulais faire une grande carrière comme lui dans le football.
Moi qui était une femme, ma famille ne voulait pas que je pratique ma passion : le football.
Je jouais parfois dans le parc avec les garçons avec mon meilleure ami Tony.
Alors que je jouais avec les garçons, Jules (grande joueuse de l'équipe féminine des Hounslow Harriers) qui faisait un jogging dans le parc, découvre mes talents et petit à petit ont se lie d'amitié.
Un jour, Jules m'avait invité à faire un essais avec l'équipe féminine des Hounslow Harriers entraîner par Joe.
Je me sentais extrêmement heureuse enthousiasmé par les essais. Après que Joe avait vu mes compétences, Il m'acceptait dans l'équipe. Mais malheureusement, j'étais bien obliger de mentir à Joe sur le fait que mes parents étaient cool et ne se posaient pas de questions sur le fait que je faisais du foot.
Mes parents avaient découvert que je faisais du football derrière leur dos. Ils devenaient plus strict et m’interdisaient de disputer d'autres match avec l'équipe.
Mes parents étaient sur la préoccupation du mariage de ma sœur, Pinky.
Notre équipe c'était qualifier pour la finale du tournoi de la ligue. Malheureusement, la finale et le mariage de Pinky tombait le même jour.
Joe avait supplier a mon père de me permettre de jouait, mais mon père avait refuser. Il voulait pas que je souffre comme lui quand il à été exclue de son équipe de cricket parce qu'il était indien.
Joe avait accepter que je ne joue pas la finale à ses coté. A mi-chemin du mariage de ma sœur, Tony avait convaincu mon père de me laisser partir. Arrivé là-bas, l'équipe perdait 1-0 et qu'il leur restaient 45 min.
Le match fini, nous l'avions gagné. Nous avions aussi eu une bourse sportive pour l'université.
Quelques jours après la finale mon père avait convaincu ma mère que c'était à moi de choisir ce qui était bon pur moi et de faire ce que j'aimais.

Maintenant, je suis beaucoup plus proche de ma famille et je continu le sport et le métier que j'aime.
Je joue aujourd'hui dans l'équipe nationale féminine d'Angleterre en tant que footballeuse professionnel.
Je donne une partie de mon argent à ma famille pour tous leur amour.

Sagot :

Hello I will tell you all the stages of my life that make me today a professional footballer.

First of all at my youngest age I was a big fan of David Beckham, I wanted to make a big career like him in football.

I, who was a woman, my family did not want me to practice my passion: football.

I sometimes played in the park with the boys with my best friend Tony.

As I played with the boys, Jules (a great player on the Hounslow Harriers women's team) jogging in the park, discovered my talents and gradually became friends.

One day, Jules invited me to do a test with the women's team of Hounslow Harriers coached by Joe.

I felt extremely excited about the tests. After Joe had seen my skills, He accepted me into the team. But unfortunately, I was forced to lie to Joe about the fact that my parents were cool and did not wonder about my playing soccer.

My parents had discovered that I was playing football behind their backs. They became more strict and forbade me to play other games with the team.

My parents were on the wedding concern of my sister, Pinky.

Our team was qualifying for the league tournament final. Unfortunately, the finale and the wedding of Pinky fell the same day.

Joe had begged my father to allow me to play, but my father had refused. He did not want me to suffer like him when he was excluded from his cricket team because he was Indian.

Joe had accepted that I do not play the final next to him. Midway through my sister's wedding, Tony had convinced my father to let me go. Arrived there, the team lost 1-0 and they had 45 minutes left.

The match finished, we won it. We also had a sports scholarship for the university.

A few days after the finale my father had convinced my mother that it was up to me to choose what was good for me and to do what I liked.

Now I am much closer to my family and I continue the sport and the job I love.

I play today on the England Women's National Team as a professional footballer.

I give some of my money to my family for all their love.

Hey, voici ton devoir : (Je n'ai pas utiliser Google Trad.)

Hello, I'm going to tell you all the stages of my life that make me a professional footballer today.

First of all at my youngest age I was a big fan of David Beckham, I wanted to have a great career like him in football.

As a woman, my family didn't want me to practice my passion: football.

I used to play in the park with the boys sometimes with my best friend Tony.

While I was playing with the boys, Jules (a great player of the Hounslow Harriers women's team) who was jogging in the park, discovered my talents and gradually became friends.

One day, Jules invited me to try out for the Hounslow Harriers women's team coached by Joe.

I felt extremely happy and enthusiastic about the tests. After Joe saw my skills, he accepted me into the team. But unfortunately, I was forced to lie to Joe about how cool my parents were and didn't question the fact that I played football.

My parents had discovered that I was playing football behind their backs. They were getting stricter and forbade me to play any more games with the team.

My parents were concerned about my sister's marriage, Pinky.

Our team qualified for the league tournament final. Unfortunately, Pinky's final and wedding fell on the same day.

Joe had begged my father to let me play, but my father had refused. He didn't want me to suffer like him when he was excluded from his cricket team because he was Indian.

Joe had agreed that I would not play the final alongside him. Halfway through my sister's wedding, Tony had convinced my father to let me go. When they got there, the team lost 1-0 and they had 45 minutes left.

The game was over, we had won it. We also had a sports scholarship for the university.

A few days after the final my father had convinced my mother that it was up to me to choose what was good for me and to do what I loved.

Now I am much closer to my family and I continue the sport and profession I love.

I now play for England's national women's team as a professional footballer.

I give part of my money to my family for all their love.

Voilaaaa ;)