Pourriez-vous s'il vous plait, vérifiez mon devoir et me dire si j'ai bien respecté les consignes. Je vous remercie d'avance.
Mme Haddon, la conseillère d'orientation, a demandé à Paul de rédiger un texte sur son premier jour de travail, le voici, mais il n'est pas très bon, peux tu le réécrire en
-articulant le texte avec des marqueurs de temps (comme first, then, after that, finalty...)
- en évitant les répétitions inutiles(en utilisant lespronoms sujets, les pronoms relatifs who et where par exemple)
- en l'enrichissant (avec des adjectifs, adverbe, un adjectif au comparatif d'égalité et de la modification d'un verbe.
Voici le texte de Paul :
I ran to the city club and arrived at 9am.
I met John. John is the director of the club.
I went to the Fitness center. I worked in the Fitness center.
At 12 am. I talked with Peter. Peter is the other coordinator.
We had a cup of coffee, a salad and a piece of cake at the club cafeteria. That was nice !
At 1 pm. I met the junior football team in the football field. We trained in the field for two hours.
I had a shower and went home.
Ce qui suit est la réécriture du texte, mais je pense ne pas avoir respecter tout ce que l'on me demande.
I ran to the city club and arrived at 9am.
I met John. He's the director of the club.
Then I went to the Fitness center which I worked in. At 12 am. I talked with Peter. He's the other coordinator. Then we had a cup of coffee, a salad and a delicious piece of cake at the club cafeteria. That was nicely !
At 1 pm. I met the junior football team in the football field. We trained in the field for two hours.
Finally,I had a shower and went home
-articulant le texte avec des marqueurs de temps (comme first, then, after that, finalty...)
- en évitant les répétitions inutiles(en utilisant lespronoms sujets, les pronoms relatifs who et where par exemple)
- en l'enrichissant (avec des adjectifs, adverbe, un adjectif au comparatif d'égalité et de la modification d'un verbe.
I ran to the city club and arrived at 9am.
I met John. John is the director of the club.
I went to the Fitness center. I worked in the Fitness center.
At 12 am. I talked with Peter. Peter is the other coordinator.
We had a cup of coffee, a salad and a piece of cake at the club cafeteria. That was nice !
At 1 pm. I met the junior football team in the football field. We trained in the field for two hours.
I had a shower and went home.
Ce qui suit est la réécriture du texte, mais je pense ne pas avoir respecter tout ce que l'on me demande.
I ran to the city club and arrived at 9am.
I met John. He's the director of the club.
Then I went to the Fitness center which I worked in. At 12 am. I talked with Peter. He's the other coordinator. Then we had a cup of coffee, a salad and a delicious piece of cake at the club cafeteria. That was nicely !
At 1 pm. I met the junior football team in the football field. We trained in the field for two hours.
Finally,I had a shower and went home