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Sagot :
tHE CIVIL RIGHTS GAVE THE BLACKS SOME FREEDOM and this thanks to Martin Luther King a black pastor who was against the discriminatiion and the segregation that existed between the whites and the blacks. Indeed The WASP community that is the WHITE ANGLO PROTESTANT dindn't want the blacks to have the same reights as them.
aTER THE rOSA pARK REFUSAL TO LET HER SEAT IN A BUS? ? THE BLACK COMMUNITY LED MANY DEMONSTRATIONS TO BOYCOTT ALL THE WHITES SHOPS AND WENT TO SI INS; tHE BIG MARCH TO wASHINGTON gave the president Kennedy the Opportunity to decide a law to abolish all form of segregation: this law is the law of CIVIL RIGHTS
aTER THE rOSA pARK REFUSAL TO LET HER SEAT IN A BUS? ? THE BLACK COMMUNITY LED MANY DEMONSTRATIONS TO BOYCOTT ALL THE WHITES SHOPS AND WENT TO SI INS; tHE BIG MARCH TO wASHINGTON gave the president Kennedy the Opportunity to decide a law to abolish all form of segregation: this law is the law of CIVIL RIGHTS
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