Trouvez des solutions à vos problèmes avec Rejoignez notre plateforme de questions-réponses pour accéder à des réponses fiables et détaillées de la part d'experts dans divers domaines.
Réponse :
what does your father do?
what does your mother do?
what would you like to be?
Why is that?
What does your grandfather do?
Talented lawyer
Skilled doctor
Hard-working diplomat
CEO of a company
Sound producer
Sports player because you can make a living out of doing something you love.
Any cleaning job, these usually dont pay well and are not pleasant.
Bus driver, because all you do is drive.
Roller coaster tester, because you get to be the first one to ride cool rides!
A cleaning person because it must get really dirty.
Librarian because books have been around for a long time
Explications :