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HELLO! Could somebody please translate this text in english! Thank you v much

"Lors d'un séjour en Amérique, ou il fait ses études, le narrateur et sa soeur projettent d'aller rendre visite à un oncle.
Nous partîmes par une matinée radieuse. Ma soeur connaissait la route. Le temps s'était radouci et la neige fondait un peu partout. Rien ne pouvait nous gener dans notre voyage. Au bout d'une demi-heure, nous avions quitté Prince William County pour nous engager dans une région un peu plus sauvage de la Virginie. Je me rappelle qu'en pénétrant dans Fauquier County je fus frappé du caractère à la fois rude et mélancolique du paysage.
Nous roulions et, comme nous descendions dans une petite vallée au bas de laquelle coulait de l'eau, ma soeur me dit que nous n'étions pas bien loin. Quant à la rivière, elle était si peu profonde qu'on la traversait à pied sec en marchant sur de grosses pierres disposées à cet effet. Ce fut la. cependant, que notre voiture choisit de s'arrêter net, à deux pas de ce filet d'eau, comme si elle en avait peur. Lucy éclata de rire. Rien ne bégayait plus que ces petits malheurs. Je descendis, je fis semblant de m'affairer autour de la voiture, comme je l'avais vu faire à d'autres, je relevai le capot, ne remarquai rien de suspect, essayait en vain de remettre le moteur en marche avec la manivelle.
Si l'on n'a pas connu les vieilles Ford de cette époque, on ne sait pas dans quel état de rage peut vous plonger la mauvaise volonté d'une machine. Il devrait se passer quelque chose, criai-je au désespoir. D'ordinaire, avec la manivelle, ca marche toujours.
Je dis à Lucy que j'étais fatigué et que j'allais m'asseoir dans la voiture. Je vais te tenir compagnie, fit-elle. Et elle prit place à côté de moi. Nous devrions déjà être là-haut, murmura-t-elle avec un sourire impitoyable. Je ne sais pourquoi notre situation l'amusait tellement. Nous admirons le paysage, la tranquillité des bois, la lumière qui brillait dans l'eau et faisait voir le fond de la petite rivière. Je me demandais comment nous allions nous tirer de la. D'habitude il était si facile de mettre en marche ce genre de voiture... On appuyait sur une pédale, on abaisse la manette de droite sous le volant... Tristement je fis ces deux gestes, et à notre indescriptible surprise, la voiture, avec une sorte de bond en avant, se mit à rouler droit dans la rivière qu'elle franchit en un clin d'oeil pour se lancer à l'assaut de la côte qui nous faisait face. Je n'eus que le temps de redresser les roues pour rester dans l'affreux chemin et au bout d'un court moment nous sortîmes de la vallée, tous les deux en proie à un joyeux fou rire."

Sagot :



"During a stay in America, where he is studying, the narrator and his sister plan to visit an uncle.

We left on a bright morning. My sister knew the road. The weather had warmed up and the snow was melting everywhere. Nothing could generate us in our journey. After half an hour, we had left Prince William County and moved to a slightly wilder part of Virginia. I remember that as I entered Fauquier County I was struck by the harsh and melancholic character of the landscape.

We were driving and, as we descended into a small valley with water flowing down it, my sister told me that we were not far away. As for the river, it was so shallow that it was crossed on dry foot by walking on large stones arranged for this purpose. It was there, however, that our car chose to stop suddenly, a stone's throw from that waterfall, as if it was afraid of it. Lucy laughed. Nothing stuttered more than these little misfortunes. I got out, pretended to be busy around the car, as I had seen others do, raised the hood, noticed nothing suspicious, tried in vain to restart the engine with the crank.

If we haven't known the old Fords of that time, we don't know how much rage the unwillingness of a machine can put you in. Something should happen, I shouted in despair. Usually, with the crank, it always works.

I told Lucy I was tired and that I was going to sit in the car. I will keep you company," she said. And she sat next to me. We should already be up there," she whispered with a ruthless smile. I don't know why he was so amused by our situation. We admire the landscape, the tranquility of the woods, the light that shone in the water and showed the bottom of the small river. I was wondering how we were going to get out of this. Usually it was so easy to start this kind of car.... You pressed a pedal, you lower the right-hand lever under the steering wheel.... Sadly I made these two gestures, and to our indescribable surprise, the car, with a kind of leap forward, began to roll straight into the river that it crossed in the blink of an eye to attack the coast that faced us. I only had time to straighten the wheels to stay on the awful path and after a short while we left the valley, both of us laughing joyfully.


Voilà je ne sais pas si il y'a des erreurs le texte est vraiment long :c

Réponse :

"During a stay in America where he studies, the narrator and his sister plan to visit an uncle.

We went off on a radiant morning. My sister knew the road. The weather had eased and the snow was melting everywhere. Nothing could surprise us in our trip. After half an hour we had left Prince William County to enter a slightly wilder part of Virginia. I remember when I entered Fauquier County I was struck by the rugged and melancholy character of the landscape.

We were driving and, as we were descending into a small valley at the bottom of which flowed water, my sister told me we were not far away. As for the river, it was so shallow that it was crossed on foot dry walking on large stones arranged for this purpose. This was the. however, that our car chooses to stop dead, two steps away from this trickle of water, as if she were afraid of it. Lucy burst out laughing. Nothing stammered more than these little misfortunes. I went down, I pretended to be busy with the car, as I had seen others, I lifted the hood, did not notice anything suspicious, tried in vain to restart the engine with the crank .

If we did not know the old Ford of this time, we do not know in what state of rage can plunge you the bad will of a machine. Something should happen, I cried in despair. Usually, with the crank, it always works.

I told Lucy that I was tired and that I was going to sit in the car. I'll keep you company, she said. And she sat next to me. We should already be up there, "she murmured with a ruthless smile. I do not know why our situation amused him so much. We admire the landscape, the tranquility of the woods, the light that shone in the water and showed the bottom of the small river. I was wondering how we were going to pull us out of there. Usually it was so easy to start this kind of car ... We pressed a pedal, we lower the lever right under the steering wheel ... Sadly I made these two gestures, and our indescribable surprise, the The car, with a kind of leap forward, began to roll straight into the river which she crossed in the twinkling of an eye to attack the coast facing us. I had only time to straighten the wheels to stay in the dreadful path and after a short while we came out of the valley, both in the grip of a happy giggle. "

voila j’espère que sa t'aidera.