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Coucou est ce que vous pouvez m'aider en Anglais

il faut écrite des phrases (en anglais) sur John Lennon avec les mots donner :

John Lennon, born Liverpool 1940, shot dead, a fan, New York city, 1980 singer, songwriter, activist. Rock and pop.
Wife Yoko One -10 years member Beatled, group created, 1960. Then started solo career. Song 'Imagine' famous pacifist song, 1971​

Sagot :

Réponse : Hey ! Voici ce que je propose:

John Lennon was born in England, Liverpool in 1940. At the age og 15 he knew he wanted to become a singer. There for in 1960 he decided to create a pop/rock band with 3 of his mates from University. Ten years later the band called the Beatles was at it's best but John's personal life was in declined. In 1970 he met an artist in the streets of London called Yoko Ono who later became his wife. John decided to quit the band and focus on his solo career and his image as an activist. He wrote with his wife the world-wide famous song "Imagine". It is famous for the powerful pacifist message he tried to communicate. It is  world moving as the song was written in 1971. Unfortunatly John was shot dead by one of his fan on the night of the 8th of December 1980 in New York City.

Explications : Tout les details de sa vie sont véridique. Source: Biography "The life of John Lennon by Philip Norman".