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J'ai besoin de votre aide pour faire un devoir d'anglais, car j'arrive pas et je ne comprends pas et je dois rendre le devoir se lundi 3/11/2019 svp aider moi et merci d'avance ❤

Imagine your are a journalist who has interviewed scientists and entrepreneurs. Write an article "Should A.I be regulated?" 120 words minimum

on doit utiliser que 3 mots entre les mots donner par la prof

1) However
2) Although
3) besides
4) firstly...... secondly
5) yet
6) I gree with/ I disagree with
7) on the one hand.... on the other hand
8) in my opinion
9) to conclude/ all in all ​

Sagot :

Salut ! AI j’imagine que c’est l’intelligence artificielle ? So after interviewing many scientists and entepreneurs, in my opinion IA should be regulated : why? Because although there is many good things thanks to this , there is also many dangerous things : firtsly imagine if there is a break-down: nothing will be able to work and it will be a disaster and secondly the other Big problem that the scientists told me is that imagine if there is a bug in thé system Of the IA and nobody is able to get the upper hand of the robot for example . That’s why for me I think it’s necesary to regulate IA, even if it’ a very helpful technology that can be useful everyday for everyone in the future . J’espère que ça t’aurai aidé j’ai fait de mon mieux