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Bonjour a tous,
J'aurai besoin d'aide pour un exercice d'anglais en 4e :
Enoncé : "Il t'est arrive quelque chose d'incroyable le week-end dernier. Raconte a une amie anglaise que...
a) ...samedi dernier tes parents sont sortis.
b) Tu regardais la télé avec ton frère
c) ... quand tout a coup (= suddenly) vous avez vu quelqu'un a la fenêtre.
d) Tu as fermé la porte à clé (lock the door).
e) Plus tard vous étiez entrain de manger.
f) Il y a eu une panne d'électricité (= power cut).
g) Vous étiez seuls dans le noir (= in the dark) ...
h) ... quand vous avez entendu une voiture.
i) Quelqu'un essayait d'ouvrir la porte.
j) C'étaient vos parents.

Voila j'espère que quelqu'un pourra m'aider.

Sagot :

Voilà ma proposition pour ton devoir : Last Saturday, my parents were out and I was watching TV with my brother when suddenly, I saw someone at the window. So I lock the door. Later in the evening, when we were eating me and my brother, there was a power cut. We were all alone in the dark and we heard a car coming and then tried to open the door. It was my parents.J'espère que ça te suffira ;)
last saturday my parents went out. I was watching TV with my brother when suddenly we saw someone at the window. We were so afraid so I locked the door. Later in the evening,  when we were eating our dinner there was a power cut. We were alone in the dark when we heard a car in the street. We didn't know what we are going to do;  Then  suddenly someone was trying to open the door. My brother and me  we watched each other. What was going to happen. The persons were walking in the dark and the light of teh street bright them. It was our parents

J'espère t'avoir aidé. Après je ne sais pas si il y a des fautes.