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Career changes that make a différence

An American university has recently carried out a survey into why people decide to change direction in their career . The results show that 61 % of the people interviewed would prefer to do something more useful with their lives. Most of them think that they would have more job satisfaction if they could give something back to the community.

A typical example of this is Jeff Short, whose original aim when he set up his own company was to make money. However, after 18 years running the company, he realized that something was missing his life. After his company was sold, he joined a teaching programme online and now gives classes in industrial technology at his local high school.

Nowadays there is an increasing number of educational programmes that give people the opportunity to make a difference. Many of them are part-time so that you only have to give up your current job once you become qualified. 'If you go back to studying, you'll find a job that makes you happy, says the head of one of the programmes. Those people who have doubts about their current job should get in touch immediately with their local university to find out what's on offer; she recommends.

Voici mes réponses

Why do many people decide to change their career path ?

the people decide to change their career path interviewed would prefer to do something more useful with their lives. Most of them think that they would have more job satisfaction if they could give something back to the community.

Do you agree with the text ?

Yes you agree with the text those people who have doubts about their current job should get in touch immediately with their local university to find out what's on offer she recommends.

2 read the text again and find one example of 1-7 below

2 an uncountable noun : Rain

3 a modal verb used to talk about obligation : has recently carried

4 the past passive form of a verb : something

5 a first conditional sentence : make

6 a second conditional sentence : immediately

7 a modal verb used to give advice : recommends

Sagot :


bonsoir, je suis un peu en retard mais j'espère que ça vas quand même t'aider!


alors déjà pour la 2 ème question de compréhension, tu as fait une petite faute ça doit être: " Yes I agree with the text" et non pas " Yes you... "

et Dans la 3 ème question d'en bas c'est: "has" tout seul. "has recently carried" est la phrase ou on le trouve!

dans la 4ème, "something" est faux car ce n'est pas un verbe! tu peux plutôt mettre "would" ou "could"

dans la 5ème , something c'est faux car ce n'est pas une phrase "if they could give something back.." est une phrase et est juste, a conditional sentence commence toujours avec"if"

la 6 eme c'est la même chose que la 5 ème,tu pourrai mettre "if you go back to studying.."

la 7 ème , alors "recommend" n'est pas un modal verb , tu pourrai mettre "should" à la place!

si tu a besoin de plus d'explication n'hésite pas!

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