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Bonjour pouvez vous m aider a traduire merci

J'ai effectué mon stage en entreprise dans la zone commerciale de proville. Le magasin ou j'ai fait ce stage s'appelait wasabi, C'est un magasin de prêt à porter. Ma responsable s'appelait ****,Ma tutrisse etait responsable du magasin . Mes horaires de travail étaient 10h-12h au matin et 14h-19h de l'apres midi ,durant mon stage j'ai habillé des manequins . J'ai mi en rayon des articles , j ai posé des badges de sécurité , j ai etiqueté des articles et j'ai nettoyé . Je me suis bien intégré a l'équipe du travail ma responsable était trés gentil . Grace a ce stage j'ai découvert la réalité du monde du travil d'un commerce . J'ai choisi ce stage car j'aime bien le monde et le commerce. C'est un métier dur car il faut toujours rfeste debout mais comme j'ai bien travailler debout cela ne ma pas déranger . C'est un métier qui demande beaucoup d'énergie dans ce milieu le travail ne manque jamais . J'aime bien ce métier . Ce métier sera peu etre ma futur profession

Sagot :

Je suis pas sur mais :

I made my company internship in the procity shopping district. The store where I made this internship was called wasabi,it's a store of ready-to-wear clothing. My person in charge was called ****, my tutor was the responsable of the store. My working schedules were 10h-12h in the morning and 14h-19h at the night, during my internship I dressed manequins, I have the on shelf middle of articles, I put swipe cards of security,I labelled articles and I cleaned. I became integrated well has the team of the work, my person in charge was a kind person. Thanks to this internship I discovered the reality of the world of the work. I chose this internship because I like the world and the business. It is a hard job because it is always necessary a lot of energy. This profession maybe will my futur job.
I was perfomed my internship in the commercial area of ​​proville.The store's name is Wasabi. This a store ready to wear. My responsible's name was ****** she was head shop. My timetable were 10a.m/12a.m and 2p.m/7p.m. During my intership I was dress lot of models. I mid-shelf items, I've asked security badges, I have Labelled articles and I cleaned. I am a well-integrated team work, my responsible was happy of me.Grace about this job I discover the reality about the world the working a trade. It's a hard job because we always stay standing but I like work standing so it's not a problem for me. It's job who ask a lots of energies and on this background the work never miss! I like this job! This job will be my futur job. 
Voilà, j'ai fais du mieux que je pouvais, bonne soirée! :)