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Hello listeners from King David Hight School Radio Station, I am Gabrielle Carpentier, a grade 11 student, and today, I am going to explain what a gap year is. Many people in our school are wondering how a gap year can be beneficial to a student.

Firstly, students usually take gap years because it allows them to take some time off of school and to get some space from everyboddy's expectations. Moreover, gap years have a lot of advantages. Indeed, you can organize your study, save money up for school.

get some maturity, become more sociable, more generous and helpful.

If you are a stay-at-home, it's a first step in the working world.
Thanks to gap year, you can engage in a project  to get a paid work or a volunteer work, in full-time or in part-time, which is very usefull to have intership and so a great CV.

Finally, you have to got the means, because taking a gap year can be quite expensive, but it's definitely worth.

Sagot :

Tu n’est pas obliger de rajouter of school
Become more sociable,generous and helpfull
To get
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