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Bonjours pouvez vous m'aidez pour ce devoir en anglais :
Trouver un sens au titre de la peinture : The Problem We All Live With.
Faire des recherches sur le peinture et sur le contexte historique lors de sa publication POUR DEMAINN

Sagot :

Réponse :

Je n'ai que fait des recherches sur la peinture comme l’avait demandé " Mohabililik".

This painting has the value of a symbol in the history of the Civil Rights Movement.  It was originally published in Look magazine on January 14, 1964.

Norman Rockwell had terminated the contract that bound him to the Saturday Evening Post the previous year, because of the frustration accumulated vis-a-vis the limits which the magazine imposed to him in the representation which he wanted to make of political topics, and Look offered him to the  instead a forum to highlight his interest in social issues, including civil rights and the integration of blacks and whites.

The painting is part of the permanent collection of the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.  Following President Barack Obama's request, he was loaned to the White House from June to October 2011, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Ruby Bridges' escorted march.

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