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Bonjour je suis en seconde Gt ,j’ai un devoir d’anglais:
Raconter un souvenir d’enfance en anglais “hide and seek” “cache cache” environ 100 mots
C’est urg svp mm si vous avez des idées n’hésitez pas

Sagot :

Il faut que tu me donnes un souvenir mais voilà qq idées :

We were playing hide and seek with my big brother when we were young. I remember that we really liked messing around in the trees in Normandie, in the garden of our grand parents. One day I climbed on a tree as my brother was counting and I remember getting higher and higher. I was so high on that tree that I could see the entire village.
I got scared at the begging because I was young and alone there but then I just looked around and it was beautiful !