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Bonjour,pouvez vous m'aidez a ecrire une histoire qui fait peur ou effrayanteen francais ou en anglais peut importe je la traduirais moi meme sinon, en 20 lignes svp merci beaucoup pour votre aide

Sagot :

RĂ©ponse :

Le récit suivant est une histoire d'horreur déconseillé au moins de 8 ans.

Explications :

One night, some parents decide to go out. They leave their two daughters, aged 12 and 16, alone. As they are bored, they decide to watch TV where the news is on.

Then they learn that a very dangerous, legless, wheelchair-bound madwoman has escaped from the nearby asylum.

The presenter warns that she is extremely dangerous and that many precautions must be taken by the residents.

They immediately decide to close all exits (windows, doors....). They are then reassured and go to bed, each in their own room.

A quarter of an hour later, the little sister comes to wake up the big one by telling her that she is too afraid, that she cannot sleep.

The big sister agrees to let her come to bed with her and go back to sleep.

Another quarter of an hour later, the little sister wakes up the big one and says to her: "I'm going under the bed, so that if the crazy girl comes, she won't be able to catch me! ».

The big sister doesn't pay attention and goes back to sleep.

She will sleep all night, but her sleep will be disturbed by regular noises, followed as if by friction.

The next morning, when she wakes up, she goes straight downstairs to see her parents. She finds her father in the kitchen, reading the newspaper. As he does not answer, she approaches and takes the newspaper out of his hands. She then finds him decapitated, with his head under his arm! She runs into the bathroom and finds her mother in the bathtub, filled with her own blood. Suddenly she thinks of her little sister and goes back to her room. She finds her gutted under her bed.

Going down to the living room, she finds a wheelchair, which had been thrown to break the glass.

The noise she had heard was the madwoman, with a knife in each hand, moving forward, sticking it into the ground and pulling herself out, hence the rubbing of her lower body on the floor.

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