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bonsoir j'ai un probleme de faire ce essay quelqu'un peut m'aide stp OPINION ESSAY:Some economists believe that immigrants have a negative effect on the Canadian economy. Write your opinion in a well- developed essay, supporting you point of view with three reasons.

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Explications :

I don't share this opinion beacuse I think that immigration is good for the canadian economy, too

If a country's population dips, its economic output usually follows. Fewer workers mean fewer goods and services can be produced, so economic output shrinks. Currently, Canada's economy is growing at a modest rate of 1.5% annually.

I can also say that at the most basic level, immigration increases the supply of labor in the economy. More labor means more goods and services being produced, so that national output (GDP) rises. Immigration also affects the prices of the inputs that are used to produce these goods and services.