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Trouve les aufs de Pâques sur cette image. Ecris des phrases en utilisant there is there are et les
prepositions de lien
ex: there is an ego in
there are two eggs on....​

Trouve Les Aufs De Pâques Sur Cette Image Ecris Des Phrases En Utilisant There Is There Are Et Lesprepositions De Lienex There Is An Ego Inthere Are Two Eggs On class=

Sagot :


There is 17 eggs in this picture. There are 7 on the ground and 10 on something. There is an egg on the door handle, two on the shelf and one on the lamp. There is one egg in front of the window. There are two eggs under the chair and one egg on the table above this chair. In front of the table, there is a drawing and on this there is an egg.

Je te laisse faire la suite c'est long :/

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