Bonjour , j'ai besoins beaucoups d'aide car j'ai un dm d'anglais dont c'est une compréhension orale , les 2 derniers trimestre j'avais que des 0/20 en compréhension orale car ça parle trop vite et on comprend pas trop.
Ps : c'est la p116 On target 2nd
Song :
1 ) Who is Gillian Harrington ?
2) What does she blame the government for ?
3) Terrible tragedies happen every day because of lack of communication between different govemment services. The presenter gives 3 examples. What are they ?
4) According to Gillian Harrington, What are the drawbacks of this "mania for databases" ?
5) She suggests that the government should implement some restrictions. What are they?
6)Does she think that ID cards will be introduced in Britain? Why/Why not ?
Merci d'avance
2) What does she blame the government for ?
3) Terrible tragedies happen every day because of lack of communication between different govemment services. The presenter gives 3 examples. What are they ?
4) According to Gillian Harrington, What are the drawbacks of this "mania for databases" ?
5) She suggests that the government should implement some restrictions. What are they?
6)Does she think that ID cards will be introduced in Britain? Why/Why not ?