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Bonjour, je dois rédiger a partir d'une histoire (Meeting at Midnight) une scène de crime en anglais. L'histoire parle de deux jumeaux steve et stan. Stan est marié à debbie, Mais debbie aime steve . J'aimerais savoir si ma traduction comporte des erreurs merci d'avance.OÙ J'EN SUIS DANS MON DEVOIRHe opened brutally the door. he had a beer bottle in the hand. He was drunk. He advanced towards steve, this one began to move back. Steve broke the bottle on a table. Steve : are you crazy ?!!! What are you doing ? Stan : You betrayed me, Steve ! You betrayed your brother ! I can't believe it ! Steve : sorry but I don't know what you're talking about ! calm down ! He's running and he goes to the floor Stan : You know what I'm talking about, you cockroach! He rose and pursued it stan : Stop hiding and show your face You coward! I'm not gonna hurt you. I'am your brother after all ! He heard a noise coming from the chamber and he rushed over He turned and saw steve. Steve couldnt escape any more Stan : You stole me all what I had including my wife, since I was a child You stop taking myself those who belongs to me. Revenge is a dish best savoured Suddenly stan pushed steve brutally in staircase. Steve fell in the staircase, step after step. Arrived at the ground he was unconscious, but breathe always. Stan pressed a pillow to his face, steve struggled a little but he never had a chance.
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