a) This is a comic strip.
b) The characters are Calvin and Hobbes.
c) The scene takes place at a school, in the hallway.
d) We see that Calvin is getting bullied; he's getting asked to pay money to the other kid. When the bully realises that Calvin won't give him the money, he threatens to beat him.
e) We can see, by the look of Calvin's face, that he isn't scared of his bully. He doesn't feel scared or intimidated.
I think that this is a good representation of bullying, and how to react to this sort of situation. Calvin shows that he doesn't mind his bully, and finds ways to annoy him, so that he eventually leaves him alone. There's always a better solution: contact an adult!
Je pense que c'est une bonne représentation de l'harcelement et de la façon de réagir à ce genre de situation. Calvin montre qu'il n'a pas peur de son intimidateur et trouve des moyens de l'enerver, de sorte qu'il finit par le laisser seul. Mais, il y a toujours une meilleure solution: contactez un adulte!
jsp que ca t'aide!