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Bonjour j’ai besoin d’aide pour un exercice d’anglais voici les questions et le texte ils faut compléter le tapleau.

Gandalf has a mission. He has to raise an army of five brave warriors to fight against Lord Sauron’s army and destroy the Old Ring. But, he has few elements. Since he’s got to work on the sly not to raise suspicions, here are the clues he has in store to find them : In Middle Earth, there are 5 houses in a blind alley. An Elf, a Man, a kind Orc, a Dwarf and a Hobbit inhabit each house. Wil l you be able to classify all the following elements in the chart below and answer the 2 questions in order to help Gandalf ? Who drinks water ? Who owns a baby dragon ?
1°) The Man lives in the wooden house in the middle.
2°) The Elf has a guard dog which often barks at night.
3°) The one who lives in the the two - storey house often drinks mead.
3°) The kind Orc rides a horse and loves to drink liquor.
4°) The two - storey house is situated just on the right of the ivory - colored house.
5°) The one who fights with a bludgeon owns a tamed eagle.
6°) The owner of the stone house fights with a stick.
7°) The one who drinks goat milk lives in the house in the middle.
8°) The Dwarf lives in the first house, next to the windowless house.
9°) The one who uses the dagger to fight lives on th e right of the house where there is an owl.
10°) Whereas the one who fights with a stick lives on the left of the house of the owner of the horse.
11°) When he goes to the inn, the one who fights with a long sword usually orders a dried herbal tea.
12°) It ’s not the Hobbit because the latest fights with a blowpipe.

AIDE : Vous devez dans un premier temps chercher le vocabulaire que vous ne comprenez pas. Le but de cet exercice est de retrouver quel type de personne habite quel type de maison , l’animal préféré de chacun, sa boisson favorite et son arme . Faites une liste à part de ces 5 catégories pour pouvoir ensuite les insérer dans le tableau en fonction des indices (notés de 1 à 12). Pour cela, il va falloir lire le texte plusieurs fois

Bonjour Jai Besoin Daide Pour Un Exercice Danglais Voici Les Questions Et Le Texte Ils Faut Compléter Le Tapleau Gandalf Has A Mission He Has To Raise An Army O class=

Sagot :


Kind of house : souligné en rouge

Animal : souligné en bleu

Beverage : souligné en vert

Weapon : souligné en orange

View image Mayouch10
View image Mayouch10
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