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Bonjour j’ai une Tâche finale s’il vous plaît fait la correctement merci : écrit
You are a fan of a series and you are interviewed for a famous
You write an article, in which you should:
Name your favorite series (movie, TV show etc), explain the plot,
introduce to the main characters.
Talk about your habits as a fan and the impact it has on your
social life: you should
- Defend Binge watching as something positive and give
- Criticize the notion of Binge watching and give examples
Use the vocabulary and expressions studied in class
- Between 50 and 120 words (If you write more, it's better)
Critères d'évaluation:
-Originalité (article réaliste, titre, images, dessins etc..)
-Langue (grammaire / lexique / syntaxe/ -s à la 3e personne du
- respect du thème / sujet (article de presse au bon format)
-minimum 50 words (idéalement au moins 100 mots...)
-réutilisation du vocabulaire/ expressions vu en cours, mais aussi
du vocabulaire nouveau.

Sagot :


Hello! So today I am going to talk about my favorite serie. You probably know that Neflix's influence has grown since the last few decades and that most of the teenagers nowadays have it. Netflix is also the origin of the phenomen called 'Binge watching', which means when you are watching relentlessly all the episodes of a serie.

So is Binge watching a good or a bad thing ?

Well, let's take a proper exemple:

My favorite serie is 'how to get away with murder'. This serie is talking about the life of five law students who are given the opportunity to work with the well-known lawyer Annalise Keating. Together they are solving cases and defending people such as murderer. But here come the story of the disappearance of a young girl, closely linked to Annalise, which can change the destiny of the students. I really liked the suspence created and all the flashbacks that makes you understand the story only in the end. There is about 5 seasons with 8 to 12 episodes in it, each during 50 minutes. And guess what, I watched the first season in only a few day !

Every single episode is made in a way that the end is not good enough. It usually leaves you there, confused, and you need to watch the next one to understand. And here, you are BINGE WATCHING. For me, it is obviously a bad phenomen because you are not controlling what you are doing anymore, but you undergo what Netflix imposes on you. I still believe that if you are watching serie in another language to improve your skills, it might have a benefic effect. But remember that staying more than 3 hours consecutive on the screens is everything but good for you.


I used informal writing and I talked for myself (choice of the serie )