Trouvez des réponses à vos questions les plus pressantes sur Découvrez des réponses détaillées et fiables à toutes vos questions de la part de nos membres de la communauté bien informés toujours prêts à assister.
B. READING COMPREHENSION : Lisez bien toutes les questions suivantes, puis le texte entier, avant de répondre sur votre feuille simple, en recopiant les phrases et en respectant la numérotation SVP : 1- a)This text is an ... b) It was written to (à) ... by (par) ... c) The sender (= expéditrice) is a ... at Salem High School. voilà le texte : Hi Jessica! soccer - football I'm Julia. I'm the school president of Salem High School and I'd like to tell you about our amazing school! The bell rings at 7:55 and the first period starts at 8. A lot of students arrive around 7:45. School finishes at 3:30, but most 5 of us don't go home right away because there are lots of clubs: sports clubs, the yearbook club, etc. Enough of the school routine, let's talk about me! Last year I was in the Soccer team, but I stopped because I broke my leg in March -. 10 This year, I really want to play an instrument in the music club! Maybe next year, for my final year in high school, I'll be the leader of the school band! Take care! Julia
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