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Traduisez moi en anglais svp " steve biko est un hero il c'est battu contre l'apartheid et il en a laissé sa vie. En effet, pour sauver l'Afrique du sud de ce régime il a créé de multiples mouvement comme "black consssiouness mouvement" comme nous pouvons voir dans le film cru freedom. De plus Nelson Mandela est aussi un symbole parceque tout comme biko il a tout fait pour sortir son pays de la misère. De ce fait, il a été condamné a être en prison a vie car cetais un opposant, car il a créé de nombreux mouvement durant l'apartheid comme nous pouvoir le voir dans le document " Nelson Mandela". De plus pour moi les policiers, les pompiers sont des héros car il sont prêt a se sacrifier pour sauver la vie d'un inconnu

Sagot :

Steve biko is a hero, fought against apartheid, and he left his life. Indeed, to save this scheme South Africa he created multiple movements such as "black consciousness movement" as we see in the film thought freedom. More Nelson Mandela is also a symbol because like Biko, he did everything for his country out of poverty. Thus, he was sentenced to be in prison for life because it was an opponent, because he created many movements during apartheid as we can see in the document "Nelson Mandela". More for me police, firefighters are heroes, because they are willing to sacrifice themselves to save the life of a person in difficulty.

PS: texte assez pertinent, malgré quelques erreurs.. J'ai apprécié cette courte lecture !
Steve Biko is a hero, he fought against apartheid and he left his life in. In order to save the south african regime he created multiple movements like the "black consssiouness movement" as we can see in the movie cry freedom. More, Nelson Mandela is also a symbol because all as Biko because he did everything to go his country out of misery. Thereby, he was sentenced to be in prison for life because he was an opponent, because he created a lot of movements during apartheid as we can see in the document "Nelson Mandela". More, for me policemen and firemen are heroes because they are ready to sacrifice themselves to save a stranger's life.