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Bonsoir pourrais je avoir de l'aide pour faire un poème en anglais.
Ce quoi je dois dire.
I am ( two special characteristics)
I wonder (something you are courious about)
I hear (an imaginary sound)
I see ( an imaginary sight)
I want (a desire you have)
I am ( the first line of the poem repeated)
I pretend (something you pretend to do)
I feel (a feeling about something imaginary)
I touch (an imaginary touch)
I worry (something that bothers you)
I cry (something that makes you sad)
I am ( the first line of the poem repeated)
I understand (something you know is true)
I say ( something you believe in)
I dream (something you dream about)
I try (something you make an effort on)
I hope ( something you hope for)
I am (the first lines of the poem repeated)
Merci d'avance ​

Sagot :

Réponse :

I am ( Kind and Strong)

I wonder (If you are strong too)

I hear (a police siren)

I see (a white beach)

I want (to go on holiday)

I am (Kind and strong)

I pretend (To workout)

I feel (Like I am floating)

I touch (a soft cloth)

I worry (about my grades)

I cry (every time I think about my passed away dog)

I am ( Kind and strong)

I understand (that school is important)

I say ( That we all are geniuses)

I dream (to be wealthy)

I try To lose weight

I hope ( I was in shape)

I am (Kind and strong)

Voila. ​

Explications :

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