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je doit écrire une histoire en anglais au discours indirect en une dizaine de ligne pouvez vous m'aider 

Sagot :

Once upon a time, I used to be a kind and happy boy, who loved spending time with his family and friends. But everything suddenly changed two weeks ago, when I heard a conversation between my parents. My mother was telling my father that I didn't work enough at school and that my grades were getting pretty bad. He told her that I needed more time to get used to my new school, although I already have some friends. She started to cry and I was really shocked : wasn't it over-reacting ? My dad took her in his arms, and whispered to her that he knew what was the true reason for her sadness. She took a deep breath, and said with a strong conviction that it was time for them to tell me the truth. My heart began to race faster, and my hands started to be wet. I came into the room, without any consideration for their surprise to see me there. I asked them what was going on, but I'm sure now that I will always regret to have asked the question :  my parents told me that they didn't love each other anymore. Right now, two weeks after this conversation, I still feel devastated but I'm working on it. I want to move on, and accept their separation. Who knows ? I could learn something from this misadventure... 
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