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s il vous plaît est ce que vous pouvez m aider dans ce exercice. Mettez les verbes au past perfect simple ou au prétérit:

S Il Vous Plaît Est Ce Que Vous Pouvez M Aider Dans Ce Exercice Mettez Les Verbes Au Past Perfect Simple Ou Au Prétérit Merciiii class=

Sagot :



Le past perfect situe une action antérieure au prétérit

shéma dans le temps  ==>

past perfect ---------> prétérit ---------> présent

1- I was so excited. I had never taken the plane before.

2- He paused for a moment to catch his breath. Climbing all those stairs was more difficult than he had thought.

3- Many years later, I learned/learnt that he had been arrested just after our meeting.

4- The train had already left when we arrived at the station.

5- He had applied for that job many times and was so happy to get it eventually.

6- I had known Fred for five years when he asked me to marry him.

7- I had told him so many times to stop playing the fool but he had always refused to listen. Eventually, he got caught.

8- I knocked at the door but nobody opened. A neighbor told me that they had been absent for two days.

9- And then, when we arrived in London, they had lost our luggage. How typical !

10- As usual, nobody had done the washing up when I came back.

Bonne journée☺☺☺

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