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Bonjour pourriez vous m'aider a cette question en me donnant juste des arguments svp, merci : Les États-Unis devraient-ils être en mesure de légiférer ou de créer une loi pour interdire l'utilisation de mots racistes ?

Sagot :

Réponse :

There has been a lively debate in recent years in the United States about the problem of racist speech. Should they be prohibited or should they be protected in the name of freedom of expression? The legal answer has been to give them broad protection on the grounds that censorship is a denial of free political debate. However, legislation against racist speech has been passed in many other democratic countries. The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, which requires signatory states to condemn racist propaganda as well as acts of racial discrimination, has been ratified by nearly 150 countries. Among Western states, probably the most striking comparison to the United States' response is that of France. Since 1972, racist speech has been vigorously prosecuted in France, and it is there that legislation appears to be comparatively the most ambitious and firmly enforced.

Explications :

essaye de faire des recherches sur le sujet car il m'a été très facile d'en trouver un qui correspondait à ton devoir. cela dit essaye de comprendre ce que j'ai écrit.

bonne soirée à toi et bon travail :)