Conversation about a job
Interviewer: So why did you decide to apply
for this job ?
Candidate: Well, I’ve always wanted to work
in this sector and I feel I have the right profile
and experience for the post.
I.: Tell me a bit about your experience.
C.: Well, my background is in administration.
In my previous job I was responsible for the
day-to-day running of a small but busy office.
I’m keen to work in a larger organization which
will allow me to develop my existing skills and
take on new responsibilities.
I.: This job involves working under pressure
and to tight deadlines. How would you cope
with that ?
C.: Well, I enjoy a challenge and work better
under pressure. But I believe in proper planning
and time management to get the job done
I.: What has been your biggest problem in your
work to date ?
C.: Well, when I took up the post of office
manager everyone was spending too much time
in meetings which seemed to go on for ever. I
rescheduled our meetings to just before lunch
and they started to go much quicker. Productivity
went right up and earned me a pay rise. So my
biggest problem turned out to be my greatest
achievement …