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Bonsoir ,
pourriez vous m'aider pour sa car j ai commencé mais je suis pas sur d avoir bon c'est une compréhension écrite en anglais niveau 2nde.
et le dernier exercice je sais pas quoi rédiger si vous pouvez me piste sa serais très aimable merci d avance.❤

les question et les réponses sont:
1)name of the man: the name of the man is Marks Tyrone.
2)period:the period of génocide is 20th century.
3)action:Many children were stolen and Maories territory were stolen by the britain colonial.
4)In Which country did this take place ? :This take place in New Zealand.
5)How far is this country from Australia : Thiz country is 4155 km de l autralia .
6)How did the social worker made the little boy follow her ?React:
The social worker pushed the little boy un, telling him say she was going to buy him clothes and new shoes.
7)what happened to mark after he was in the car?
The social worker did not buy her shoes and new clothes se took her to the airport to take her to annoter country.
8)Look at the photo above the text.
Who are the People on the photo?
The People in the photo are the former stolen children .
9)What are they doing?
People call on gouvernement to investigate abuses.

10) wrinting :imagine the conséquences of this policy on the future of these Maori children.
Write at least 80 Words. yous will mentionsthe number of words you have White here: (sa je n'ai pas fait)​

Bonsoir Pourriez Vous Maider Pour Sa Car J Ai Commencé Mais Je Suis Pas Sur D Avoir Bon Cest Une Compréhension Écrite En Anglais Niveau 2ndeet Le Dernier Exerci class=

Sagot :



en gros :

A - the article can be read on the site "aljazeera.com" in 2017.

it tells the story of a six-year-old boy named Tyrone Marks who was kidnapped by a social worker in 1967 in NZ


she put TM in confidence - she promised him new clothes and especially new shoes.

react :  unbelievable that a woman can abuse a child's trust like that.


TM  didn't go shopping as promised, he was taken to the airport


I imagine that the people are the children kidnapped in the middle of the 19th century.

i think they call on the government to investigate these kidnappings so that their suffering can be recognized.


qq idées :

certainly a disastrous policy for children separated from their families.

each child had experienced trauma and fear as a result of the kidnapping

each child must have had a hard time growing up away from his or her family.