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Bonjour ! pouvez vous me traduire ceci svp merci d’avances !! :

bonjour monsieur le policier, malheureusement autour de moi il n’y avait pas de témoin et je n’ai pas vu le visage du kidnappeur je sais juste qu’il étais plutôt grand et impressionnant il avait un grand manteau noir avec un chapeau contrairement à la jeune femme qui elle était assez petite en train de pleurer et crier.

Sagot :


Bonjour !

hello mister policeman, unfortunately around me there was no witness and I did not see the kidnapper's face I just know he was rather tall and impressive he had a big black coat with a hat unlike the young woman who she was quite small crying and screaming.

Réponse : Hello police officer, unfortunately there were no witnesses around me. I didn’t see the kidnapper’s face, I just know he was pretty big and impressive, with a big black coat and a hat. Unlike the young woman who she was quitte small, craint and screaming.

Explications :