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Bonjour je suis en 4e .
Je dois créer un restaurant « eco-friendly » en anglais . Je n’ai pas du tout d’idée .
Quelqu’un pourrait m’aider svp .
J’offre 20pts. Voici l’énoncé :

Welcome to our eco-friendly restaurant

Pupil A :
* must talk about the name of the restaurant
* must talk about its location
Pupil B :
* must talk about the restaurant's style and layout : atmosphere, aspect, possible themes and dress codes
* must talk about the staff
Pupil C :
* must talk about the usual ( detailed) menu, in terms of healthy food : indicate the moment in the year the menu is being prepared; the cooking methods used, the tastes, the visual aspect of every dish, their nutritional intake
Pupil D :
* must talk about that same menu, in terms of eco-friendly approach : refer to the carbon footprint; possible local economy; the agricultural partners ( imported goods ?); an eco-friendly organisation inside the restaurant

Sagot :


tu dois decrire ton restaurant je peux t'aider pour quelque phrases je vais écrire come si s'etait ton restaurant

Pupil A

my restaurant's name is ....... it is in the middle of the city the restaurant is name like that because people know that it's an healthy restaurant and he is in the middle of the city because people can see it much as if he was in an another place .

Pupil B

My restaurant is colourful because I want people to be happy he seems like a normal restaurant because I don't want him to be strange. I don't want theme or dress codes in it because people come with what they want the staff needs to be kind and happy with the customers because if they don't do that they should never come back.

bon je vais pas cache que j'ai la flemme de faire le reste mais tu as les phrase pour decrire etc si tu ne comprends pas des mots ou que tu en cherche un je te conseil word reference au lieu de google traduction j'espère que sa ira bon courage

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