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bonsoir pouvez-vous m’aider pour cette exercice.*pas de google traduction svp .je suis en 3eme

Bonsoir Pouvezvous Maider Pour Cette Exercicepas De Google Traduction Svp Je Suis En 3eme Merci class=

Sagot :


1. The group of girls have been abusing (ou bullying) John since September.

2. They became more and more mean.

3. At first, they insulted him in the school yard.

4. For one month, they have been threatening to spread false rumors about him.

5. They force him to give them 20 euros every week.

6. It has been going on for several weeks.

7. He had to steal money from his parents.

8. He has been thinking of suicide (ou commiting suicide) for more than a month.

9. Thankfully, he has a few friends who are concerned about (ou 'worried for') him.

10. His friends want him to tell the principal about it, but John is too scared.

11. If he doesnt do it, his friends will do it for him.

Voila !!!