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pourrais-je avoir de l’aide rapidement svp pour un niveau 3eme

Pourraisje Avoir De Laide Rapidement Svp Pour Un Niveau 3eme class=

Sagot :


this is a photography in 1876 , périod of ségrégation between black and white

This is descrimination

Colorés people dont allowed go to in the bath with white people

They had to separate with white people


bonne soirée


The document introduced is a photograph, this one is in black and white, so it wasn't probably photographed very recently because nowadays photographs are in color. This picture shows a black lady drinking water in a sink specially made for colored people instead of white people , I suppose that the fact she couldn't drink from the other sink was just because it was forbidden for colored people to do so , indeed they had to follow the rules , this might be in America in the 60s when there was the Jim crow laws, which didn't allow people of color to be treated the same as white people. Indeed the Jim Crow laws were significantly racist , so this black lady was actually being discriminated because of her beautiful skin color . This kind of policy is not only racist because it separates people for their skin color but also because the colored people's sink is way dirty than the white people's sink .

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