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Est-ce que vous pouvez m’aider svp

Il faut décrire ces images en anglais

Merci d’avance !!!

Bonsoir Estce Que Vous Pouvez Maider Svp Il Faut Décrire Ces Images En Anglais Merci Davance class=

Sagot :


We can see quite futuristic buildings resembling dwellings floating on the water. Inside we can see vegetation and around has a kind of port. J'espère t'avoir aidée.

In both pictures that i'm going to introduce we can see a sort of futuristic islands in which there's a lot of vegetation , in fact the second picture differs from the first one by the little islands surrounding the main one . Also in both pictures the colors that stand out the most are natural and peaceful colors such as green that shows an ecological side , the color blue that paints the sky as well as the sea and finally the color white . These islands seem to be full of life and they also seem very ecofriendly with its surroundings since we can see in the first picture multiple fishes swimming beside them. Furthermore we can imagine that these futuristic islands are cities , that resulted to be built in water because there was probably no space on firm land due to the sea levels rising. Moreover we can think that these cities are the consequence of global warming and that they were built in order to protect the planet Earth

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