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Hello, est ce que quelqu'un peut me corriger ? Je dois faire un CV pour dire que je veux devenir guide à Edinburgh en Ecosse.
Let's go :) :
Dear Ms Jones,
I am a student at Lycée ........................... in France and I'm really interested by this job offers that was published on the Edinburg website. You're looking for a guide and i'd like to do this job.

I have experience in this domain beacause last summer holydays, I was guide in the Louvre Museum in Paris and it was a great experience for myself but i would like to be a guide in other country like the United Kingdom for exemple. So when I saw your job offer, for me, it was a good opportunity to leave my country an to discover new horizon.
I'm organised, sociable, serious, hard-working, communicative and, of course, determined. My main skills are that I have a good memory, I'm motivate and I speak French, English and Spanish.

I hope that you could take my application into consideration and you will contact me for more informations. It's up to you.
I thank you again for your attention.

Voilà alors des avis ???
P.S : je ne me suis pas aidée de google traduction ou autre site de traduction donc svp, soyez sympa avec mes fautes ^^ ;)
Merci d'avance.

Sagot :

Dear Ms. Jones,
I am a student at Lycée ........................... in France and I'm really interested  in this job offer that was published on the Edinburg website. You're looking for a guide and i'd like to do (to apply for)
this job.

I have experience in this domain because during my last summer holidays, I was guide in the Louvre Museum in Paris and it was a great experience for me  but i would like to be a guide in other  countries  like the United Kingdom for example. So when I saw your job offer, for me, it was a good opportunity to leave my country  to discover a
new horizon.
I'm organized, sociable, serious, hard-working, and communicative and, of course, determined. My main skills are that I have a good memory, I'm motivated
and I speak French, English and Spanish.

I hope that you would take my application into consideration and you will contact me for more informations. (It's up to you. )
not needed
I thank you again for your attention.

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