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Bonjour j'ai mon oral de stage de 3eme a faire et je dois faire en anglais. Pouvez vous traduire si vous êtes bilingue(sans google traduction s'il vous plait )​​​

Bonjour Jai Mon Oral De Stage De 3eme A Faire Et Je Dois Faire En Anglais Pouvez Vous Traduire Si Vous Êtes Bilinguesans Google Traduction Sil Vous Plait class=

Sagot :

Réponse : hello my name is....... I am a student in 9th grade at ...... and I’m going to present you my interagir that I did from March 17th to 19th in the editorial office of the newspaper Le Poher. During this presentation, I will talk about my approach, the newspaper le Poher, my activities... then my assessment.

Explications : after discussing with the guidance counselor, I realized that this internship was an opportunity to discover this environment in more depth. I sent an email with my resume (CV) and my cover letter but after 2 weeks without any answer, I decided to call and everything was confirmed very quickly and the next day I had to go and sign my agreement

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