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Coucou vous pouvez me corriger svp ? :)

Je devais faire un développement sur la question suivante :
La publicité à l'art de nous faire gaspiller de l'argent que nous n'avons pas pour acheter des choses dont vous n'avons pas besoin, Merci :)

Advertising, the activity of attracting
public attention to a product or business; Advertising exist since
the creation of the tv, obviously the shape of advertising has
changed but the plan is still the same. Advertising use a lot of way
to make us waste money to buy things more or less futile. First of
all by the caveat, certain advertising show us firstly shocking
pictures, then, they show directly the solution, per example, they
show us someone's doing a parallel parking, he fails it and he breaks
his car, just after they show us an automatic car, which, nedless to
say, makes the parallel parking alone. Afterwards, by the fact of
arouse our jealousy, our desire, how many advertising use sentences
like : Doesn't your neighbour have already it ? Or, It's
the new trendy product, ...

Moreover, some advertising are included
directly in some music videos with of course some influential
singers, the number of placement product such as smartphones,
speakers multiplied increasingly rapidly, it's an indirect
advertising. This give us envy to buy the product, even if it's
useless and that it makes us waste money.
Though, advertising don't force us to
buy product, for example, if we don't want a luxury car, advertising
will not give us suddenly the desire of buy a luxury car, advertising
only orientate our decisions toward the most well known brands, for
example if we see two products, one is on the TV but it's costly and
an other, cheaper, as well as the other, but, it doesn't on the TV,
as we had already seen it on the TV, we could opt for the first
object, even if it's the same thing, and that the first is more
costly. Besides, sometimes advertising make us buy things we don't
need with money we really don't have, per example if someone see the
new trendy smartphone, even if he doesn't have the money and that
this purchase is pointless, he will take a credit, it's also a proof
that advertising can make us squander money we don't have to buy
things we don't need.
Thus, we have just seen that,
admittedly, advertising use a lot of ways to make us waste money to
buy things we don't need, but, we have also seen that we stay in
command of our choices. As a result, commercials guide only our
choices toward the most expensive product, like this they make us
waste more money.

Sagot :

Advertising, the activity of attracting
public attention to a product or business; Advertising exist since
the creation of tv, obviously the shape of advertising has
changed but the plan is still the same. Advertising use a lot of ways
to make us waste money to buy things more or less futile. First of
all by the caveat, certain advertising shows us firstly shocking
pictures, then, they show directly the solution, per example, they
show us someone doing a parallel parking, he fails and he breaks
his car, just after they show us an automatic car, which, nedless to
say, makes the parallel parking alone. Afterwards, by the fact of
arouse our jealousy, our desire, how many advertising use sentences
like : Doesn't your neighbour already
have it ? Or, It's
the new trendy product, ...

Moreover, some advertising are included
directly in some music videos with of course some influential
singers, the number of placement product such as smartphones,
speakers multiplied increasingly rapidly, it's an indirect
advertising. This gives us envy to buy the product, even if it's
useless and that it makes us waste money.
Though, advertising don't force us to
buy product, for example, if we don't want a luxury car, advertising
will not give us suddenly the desire of buy a luxury car, advertising
only orientate our decisions toward the most well known brands, for
example if we see two products, one is on the TV but it's costly and
an other, cheaper, as well as the other, but, it is not on the TV,
as we had already seen it on the TV, we could opt for the first
object, even if it's the same thing, and that the first is more
costly. Besides, sometimes advertising make us buy things we don't
need with money we really don't have, per example if someone see the
new trendy smartphone, even if he doesn't have the money and that
this purchase is pointless, he will take a credit, it's also a proof
that advertising can make us squander money we don't have to buy
things we don't need.
Thus, we have just seen that,
admittedly, advertising use a lot of ways to make us waste money to
buy things we don't need, but, we have also seen that we stay in
command of our choices. As a result, commercials guide only our
choices toward the most expensive product, so they make us
waste more money.

pour moi il ya pas de faute apres je saias pas tupeux m'aider stp car j'ai postee une question d'anglais