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Bonjour j’aurais besoin d’aide
La consigne et que je doit juste écrire une discussion de famille ( un débat ou juste une dispute )
Voilà merci

Sagot :


Voici une idée: une famille est en train de dîner et la fille veut un téléphone portable.

Girl:- Mom?

Mom:- Yes?

Girl:- I was wondering...if, maybe...

Dad:- Spit it out sweetheart.

Girl:- Well I wanted to ask you, if I could get a phone?

Mom:- Well-

Dad:- Absolutely not.

Girl:- Can we try to discuss it at least?

Dad:- No is no. End of the discussion.

Mom:- Calm down honey. I think it's time to have this discussion.

Girl:- Please? Can you hear me out ?

Dad:- *sigh* I guess...

Mom:- Go on sweetheart.

Girl:- Well, first of all, now that I'm 13 and go to school alone, I think it's important for me to have a way to reach you if anything happens.

Dad:- Okay...

Mom:- Continue.

Girl:- And you know that I'm very careful, so I would not take any risk to loose or break it.

Mom:-That's true.

Dad:- Mmh.

Girl:- And also, I guess I could finally call and text my friends.

Dad:- Your friends have a phone?

Girl:- Yep! I'm the only one who haven't got one. I just felt a bit left out, I know they send funny texts to each other. I feel lonely when I come back home, I can't talk to them until the next day.

Mom:- Well, I have to say that I'm rather convinced.

Dad:- It pains me to say it, but yes, I think it's not a bad idea after all.

Girl:- Really?

Dad:- Yeah, you made very good points.

Mom:- That's right. Maybe we could start looking for a not too expensive one tomorrow.

Girl:- Thank you so much!

Dad:- But you'll be careful yes? Let it in your bag when you're at school. And don't use it too late.

Girl:- I won't! Promise.

Mom:- Good. Then we'll see tomorrow. Go prepare yourself to bed now, it's getting late.

Dad:- Goodnight sweetheart.

Girl:- Goodnight!

J'espère que ça t'aidera :)

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