
FRstudy.me: où la curiosité rencontre la clarté. Découvrez des réponses détaillées et précises à vos questions de la part de nos membres de la communauté bien informés et dévoués.

bonjour il faudrait mettre la forme négative au prétérit simple en anglais merci d'avance :)
1. They swam on Saturday but they .......on Sunday
2. I went to work on Monday but I............ to work on Tuesday.
3. He bought a new car. He............. a second-hand car.
4. She slept well last night but she ...........well the night before.
5. We ate spaghetti for dinner but we........... anything for lunch.​

Sagot :

1. [...] but they didn't swam on Sunday

2. [...] I didn't went to work on Tuesday

3. [...] He didn't bought a second-hand car.

4. [...] but She didn't slept well the night before

5. [...] but we didn't ate anything for lunch

(Normalement si je n'ai fait aucune erreure, tout est bon)