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Bonjour à tous j'ai eu un texte a traduire en Anglais et j'aimerais vos correction et vos avis. Merci d'avance.C'est pour demain hyper urgent.On va vous présenter Roberto Da Silva, il a 49 ans et il est Portugais.
Dans sa jeunesse il a fais ses études à Porto, et a ensuite trouvé un travail à Villa Nova De Gaia en tant que peintre.
Il gagné bien sa vie et vivait avec sa femme et ses enfants.
Un jour l’entreprise dans la quelle il travaillait a fait faillite il c’est donc retrouvé sans emploi et avec aucun revenus. N’ayant plus d’argent avec sa femme et en période de crise économique de l’emploi il partit pour la France en recherche d’un nouveau travail avec sa famille. 

Triste de quitter sa famille et ses amis, Roberto part en voiture jusqu’à la France. 
Dès son arrivé, il se loge chez un ami à lui aussi partit en France pour le travail où il restera le temps d’obtenir un salaire, il à directement trouvé une école pour ses enfants.
Les début de sa recherche d’emploi non pas été facile, dut à la langue qu’il ne pratiquait pas et c’est senti étranger au près français. 
Au bout de plusieurs semaines, Roberto à été embauché dans une petite entreprise en tant que maçon à Dax et à été très vite accepté par ses collègues. Par chance l’un d’entre eux était Portugais.

Quelques temps après il à put trouver un logement pour lui et sa famille.

Malgré qu’il soit heureux dans sa nouvelle vie et qu’il est réussi à s’intégrer, son pays et sa famille lui manque surtout son meilleur ami Marcelo qu’on peut voir sur l’image. 
Avec l’argent qu’il a gagner il prévoit de repartir dans son pays d’origine aux prochaines vacances.
Roberto aimerais repartir vivre au Portugal mais ce n’est pas possible car la crise économique est de plus en plus forte il est donc dans l’obligation de rester en France.
Sa famille et lui habitent en France depuis 2 ans maintenant.

We are going to present Roberto Da Silva, he has 49 years old and he is Portuguese.
In his youth he has study in Porto, and then found a work with Villa Nova De Gaia, he is a painter.
He made a good living and lived with his wife and his children.
A day the company where is worked made bankruptcy it’s found unemployed and with none returned. Not having money anymore with his wife and in times of crisis economic of the employment he left for France for search a new work with his family.
He was sad to leave his family and his friends. Roberto drove by car to France.
From arrived, he went to a friends who had the same problem and he was accommodation a little time with his family. Two week after he search a job and register for school his children.
At the beginning of his job search it’s was not easy because he don’t speak french.He felt like a stranger because he don’t save practice his language.
Several weeks, Roberto in summer was engaged in a small company as masonic to Dax and it was accepted very fast by his colleagues. Luckily the one of them was Portuguese.
After some time he find an accommodation for him and his family.
Despite he was happy in his new life and he’s and he can succeed to become integrated. His country and his family misses him especially his best friend Marcelo whom we can see on the picture.
With the money which he has to win he come back on his country of origin in the next holidays.
Roberto would like return to live in Portugal but it is not possible because the economic crisis is more and more strong it’s an obligation to stay in France.
His family and live in him in France for 2 years now.

Sagot :

We are going to present Roberto Da Silva, he is 49 years old and he is Portuguese.
In his teenage he studied in Porto, and then found a work with Villa Nova De Gaia , who is a painter.
He made a good living and lived with his wife and his children.
One day, the company where he worked made bankruptcy it’s found unemployed and with none returned. Not having money anymore with his wife and in times of crisis economic of the employment he left for France for search a new work with his family.
He was sad to leave his family and his friends. Roberto drove by car to France.
Arrived there, he went to his friends who had the same problem and he accommodated a little time with his family. Two weeks after he searched a job and registered at school his children.
At the beginning of his job , the search (it’s) was not easy because he doesn't speak French.He felt like a stranger because he didn't practice his language.
Several weeks in the summer, Roberto  was engaged in a small company as masonic to Dax and it was accepted very fast by his colleagues. Luckily (the) one of them was Portuguese.
After some time he finds an accommodation for him and his family.
Despite he was happy in his new life (and he’s) and he can succeed to become integrated. His country and his family misses him especially his best friend Marcelo whom we can see in the picture.
With the money won he came back in his country of origin in the next holidays.
Roberto would like to return to live in Portugal but it is not possible because the economic crisis is more and more strong.  It’s an obligation to stay in France.
His family and him has been living  in France for 2 years 
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