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Aidez moi svp a rendre pour demain matin niveau 3éme: Anglais!!

Raconter la vie de quelq'un ( au choix de la famille/personne célébre/mortes ou vivantes)
Minimum 20 lignes.
Emploie du prétérit simple et/ou présents quand néscaissaire .

Sagot :

Charles Spencer Chaplin, said Charlie Chaplin, is an actor, a director and a British scriptwriter who became an icon of the silent movies thanks to his person of Charlot. During his career of more than 65 years, he played in more than 80 films and his public and private life was the object of adulation as controversies.
Been born in London, Chaplin grows in the misery between an absent father and a mother in big financial difficulties who was interned in psychiatric asylum while he was 14 years old. He began very early to occur in music halls and quickly became an actor. At the age of 19, he was noticed by the famous impresario Fred Karno and realized a tour in the United States. He played the cinema for the first time in 1914 in the film to earn the keep and quickly created his person.
Voila sa devrais faire 20 ligne , bon courage ;)